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Monthly Archives: June 2024


Obtaining Divorce Papers and Starting the Process: Part 2

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

In part one of this two-part series, we went over the steps to beginning the divorce process in California and obtaining the required forms. This article will guide readers through the essential elements of where and how to file the divorce papers, and some things to expect in the following weeks. Filing Divorce Papers:… Read More »

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Obtaining Divorce Papers and Starting the Process: Part 1

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

Many do not know what their first steps should really be when they decide that they need to acquire divorce papers and begin the process of divorcing their spouse in California. While the process may seem daunting to those who have never had much court experience outside of a rogue speeding ticket, with effective… Read More »

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I Have Sole Physical Custody – Do I Have to Allow Visitation?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

If you have sole physical custody of your child, there is likely a very good reason for that. The courts try to promote the child’s best interests in all circumstances. The fact that one parent has been granted sole physical custody of a child says a great deal. For one reason or another, the… Read More »

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Top Ways to Defend Against a Custody Modification Request

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

It is natural to feel uncertain, or anxious, if you hear whispers that your child’s other parent is going to file a motion to modify custody or visitation of your child or children. It is reasonable to feel this way because modifications to custody and visitation arrangements can have a big impact on you,… Read More »

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What is a “De Facto” parent in California?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

A parent-child relationship is not limited to the bond between a child born to a biological parent. Often, another figure steps into a child’s life and provides as much (or even more) stability and love to a child than that child’s biological parent. Whether this be a grandparent, family friend, sibling, foster parent, adoptive… Read More »

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FAQs About Deviating from California’s Guidelines for Child Support

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

California has uniform child support guidelines that it generally defaults to in order to calculate child support obligations. Guideline child support is presumed to be the correct amount in our state. However, parents and judges are not always bound by the guidelines because this presumption is rebuttable. It can be challenged. While, on a… Read More »

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