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Monthly Archives: September 2024


Hiding, Diverting, and Stealing Assets Amidst Divorce

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

While divorce is bound to come with its fair share of arguments and contention, it adds a new wrinkle to the chaos when you believe that your spouse is, or may try, to hide, divert, or steal assets. And with a relationship that is breaking down it is easy to imagine a situation where… Read More »

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Dividing a Business in Divorce

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

The economic climate can have a profound impact on how a business is divided in divorce.  A business often represents one of the most valuable assets in a marriage and deciding how to handle it during a divorce is rarely straightforward. This article highlights the several options that spouses can explore to reach an… Read More »

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Diffusing Negotiations When Divorcing Parties Want to Fight

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

A divorce settlement deals with very significant and personal issues. Where are you going to be able to afford to live? Will the relationship with your children be affected? Will you still be able to retire when you planned to? Every aspect of a person’s life will be affected moving forward – and much… Read More »

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