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Monthly Archives: October 2024


What Does a California Family Lawyer Do?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

In California, a family lawyer practices family law – but what does that mean? Family law is a very broad field of law, covering a range of sensitive, personal, and emotional issues that often require expert guidance to navigate smoothly.  A family lawyer deals with all matters of domestic-related legal issues, from paternity, child… Read More »

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Common Law Marriage and “Palimony” in California

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

In several states, if a couple lives together for a specific period of time and holds themselves out to the world as a married couple, then the couple may be considered to be legally married in the state. This is true even if the couple never went to the courthouse and completed the legal… Read More »

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4 Reasons You Want to Hire a Divorce Attorney

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

When you find yourself faced with the prospect of divorce, a lot of decisions suddenly fall on your shoulders. What is this going to mean for your family? Will you be staying in the same home? Will you be financially okay? What does the future hold? All of these unknowns can lead to a… Read More »

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The Paternity Presumption

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

In California, there is a “paternity presumption.” The presumption is, in essence, if a woman is married to her husband when she gives birth to a child then the husband is the presumed biological father of the child.  The specifics of the presumption is described in California Family Code section 7611. But – what… Read More »

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Can Both Parents Claim Their Child on Their Tax Returns?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

Raising children is costly, especially for divorced parents.  Both California and the federal government offer tax credits to help offset some of these expenses. But what happens when parents live apart? Can both parents claim their child on their tax returns?  If you pay child support, do you automatically get to take the tax… Read More »

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What is Spousal Abandonment?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

When a spouse leaves the family home in California, it can leave the other wondering if they have been legally abandoned by their spouse. This situation, known as spousal abandonment, is a recognized legal issue in California. How Does California Law Define Spousal Abandonment? The California Family Code does not provide a specific definition… Read More »

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