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4 Reasons You Want to Hire a Divorce Attorney


When you find yourself faced with the prospect of divorce, a lot of decisions suddenly fall on your shoulders. What is this going to mean for your family? Will you be staying in the same home? Will you be financially okay? What does the future hold? All of these unknowns can lead to a feeling of control slipping through your fingers.

One misguided way clients have tried to wrest a semblance of control is by insisting that they do not need to engage with a divorce attorney. The thought of containing the situation and not having to pay for the professional advice and services of a professional attorney may feel attractive – but in many situations this thought is very misguided. Many, many times, engaging with a divorce attorney makes the divorce process run more smoothly, quickly, and efficiently. The attorney’s handling of your case can save you significant money and trouble in the end. This is particularly true if your estranged spouse is not a perfect paragon of fairness and virtue throughout the proceedings.

Below we discuss four examples of circumstances where having an experienced divorce attorney on your side is very much in your best interest.

  1. If Your Spouse Diverts or Steals Assets

Frequently, leading up to or during the process of the divorce, one partner moves money or hides assets in an attempt to cut themselves a more favorable deal. California is a community property state. This means that, in most circumstances, property accrued during the course of the marriage will be equally split between the divorcing spouses. If one partner wants more – they may try to divert, hide, or otherwise obscure/steal those assets. A divorce attorney can help you to recognize signs of this happening in your own circumstances and advise and advocate for you.

  1. Parental Alienation

A divorce attorney can help you to combat any potential of parental alienation with your estranged spouse. Parental alienation occurs when one parent tries to turn the children against the other parent. This often destroys relationships and can be difficult or impossible to “undo.”  A divorce attorney can help you to assess your situation, strategize, and craft an agreement that addresses behaviors and actions that both parties may not take part in, in order to protect the parent/child relationship.

  1. Your Spouse Makes False Allegations

Your spouse may be under oath when they speak to the court – but that has not stopped divorcing spouses from making false allegations. If your estranged spouse is making false allegations against you, whether that be pertaining to fraud, abuse, or something else – you want an experienced divorce attorney on your side. If your spouse’s false claims go unchallenged, or the Judge believes them over you, the consequences could be dire. You could not only face financial ramifications – but you could potentially lose custody and visitation over your children.

  1. Your spouse is abusive

A divorce attorney can help you navigate the process of leaving an abusive spouse. There are various restraining orders you can apply for, resources to help you moving forward, advice for staying safe, and aid in proving abuse.

Contact Cardwell, Steigerwald Young

Whatever comes in your own divorce, the San Francisco divorce attorneys at Cardwell Steigerwald Young, LLP are here to help. Contact our office today to see how our team can help.




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