Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Differentiating ‘Paternal Rights’ from ‘Parental Rights’ in California
There is perhaps no profession in which the meaning of words matters more than in the world of law. The outcome of life-altering legal cases can turn – as one former U.S. President famously stated – on “what the definition of the word ‘is,’ is.” As you can see, the word “Paternal” and the… Read More »

My California Divorce is Headed for Trial – What Does that Mean?
Suits and stuffy air. Divided sides. Unfamiliar court formalities and strangers learning the most intimate details of our most intimate relationship. A divorce can, essentially, completely avoid court. But only if both sides agree/settle on every single point of every single issue in the divorce. While this is possible, in most divorces there is… Read More »

Can Stay-At-Home Dads get full custody of Kids?
Society is changing. The idea of the traditional roles that are served in the “traditional” family are challenged every day. As social norms and the idea of gender roles continue to change and evolve, new questions are also arising. The world is pretty familiar with the idea of stay-at-home moms: but how does the… Read More »

Back to School Tips for Divorced Dads
Whether you can hardly wait for school to start again, or the thought of sending your new Kindergartner on that bus brings a tear to your eye: facts remain, school is ramping up again. Very often the switch in routine for parents and kids alike comes with some stress and adjustments. The anxiety can… Read More »

Removing Your Name from Joint Property in California
You are probably going through a lot right now. And you were likely going through a lot when you made the decision to co-sign on a mortgage. Whether you joined yourself with a romantic partner, spouse, family member, etc., it probably seemed like a good idea at the time. However, as you are now… Read More »

Britney Spears Case: Under What Grounds Can a California Prenup be Challenged?
There has been a lot of buzz in recent days surrounding Britney Spears and her marriage to – and divorce from – Sam Asghari. While buzz seems to always surround Ms. Spears, the rumors surrounding her most recent divorce have cast even more of a light on the pop-star. After a documentary recently released… Read More »

Avoidable Mistakes in Child Custody Cases
Many believe there is nothing more important than family. This makes divorce and child custody cases all the more difficult. You are facing the prospect of your life changing in more ways than one. Some families even stay together longer than they really should, for the fear a parent may have about not being… Read More »

Items You Need to Know to Prepare for your High Net Worth Divorce
California divorce courts have seen the gamut of complications from dividing high-value assets and estates as a result of a divorce. Every divorce is unique and comes with its own challenges. But when you are dealing with the division of multiple properties, or businesses, or a disputed, hefty spousal support claim: even amicable spouses… Read More »

Custodial Interference in California
However the rest of a divorce is settled, at the end of the day most parents with underage children will end their divorce journey with some form of formal custody agreement in place. The family court system values the time and influence for the better that a child can gain from retaining regular and… Read More »

Legal Protections Against Domestic Violence in California
Domestic Violence or abuse from a partner can happen to anyone, anywhere. It can be difficult to grapple with the thought of taking action against an abusive person, particularly a partner, for a number of reasons. One of the trickiest to navigate is the insidious tendency to believe that there is nothing you can… Read More »