Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Avoiding Inappropriate Communications in California Custody Cases
The Impact of Your Words In a custody case, everything you say can be scrutinized and potentially used against you. There are countless cases where an emotionally charged behavior or conversation changed the ultimate course of a child custody or visitation ruling. Emotional outbursts or offhand or inflammatory comments, while understandable, can negatively impact… Read More »

Managing Expectations: What Would a “Fast” California Divorce Look Like?
When it finally becomes clear that, yes, a divorce is really going to happen – it is completely understandable that many couples want the process to end as quickly as possible. While it is easy to understand why people would want their divorce to be sorted out as quickly as possible, in order to… Read More »

Modifying California Child Support Orders
Adjusting child support obligations to reflect changes in parents custody arrangement and or incomes is a common process that many couples go through. Child support can always be modified: but only under certain circumstances. A parent cannot simply go to the court and say that they and their child need more support – a… Read More »

What is Imputed Income in Child Support?
Some parents may try to deliberately reduce their income to avoid the full responsibility of paying child support, or to increase the amount of child support that the child’s other parent is court-ordered to pay. Under California law, both parents are held equally responsible for providing financial support to their children. Accordingly, the court… Read More »

Dividing Childcare Expenses in Divorce or Separation
Divorces and separations are often complex, especially when children are involved. You can never quite plan for every twist and turn. Support obligations and figuring out how to split childcare expenses requires communication and strategy to lessen disputes. Here are some common ways parents may choose to divide childcare expenses: The Income Share Formula… Read More »

FAQs About Restraining Orders in CA
If you are in a position where you need help or resources for your protection in a domestic violence situation, there are many local resources that are available and designed specifically to help. Knowing where to even begin in your search for knowledge of restraining orders and other protective legal instruments in the California… Read More »

What Does a California Family Lawyer Do?
In California, a family lawyer practices family law – but what does that mean? Family law is a very broad field of law, covering a range of sensitive, personal, and emotional issues that often require expert guidance to navigate smoothly. A family lawyer deals with all matters of domestic-related legal issues, from paternity, child… Read More »

Common Law Marriage and “Palimony” in California
In several states, if a couple lives together for a specific period of time and holds themselves out to the world as a married couple, then the couple may be considered to be legally married in the state. This is true even if the couple never went to the courthouse and completed the legal… Read More »

4 Reasons You Want to Hire a Divorce Attorney
When you find yourself faced with the prospect of divorce, a lot of decisions suddenly fall on your shoulders. What is this going to mean for your family? Will you be staying in the same home? Will you be financially okay? What does the future hold? All of these unknowns can lead to a… Read More »

The Paternity Presumption
In California, there is a “paternity presumption.” The presumption is, in essence, if a woman is married to her husband when she gives birth to a child then the husband is the presumed biological father of the child. The specifics of the presumption is described in California Family Code section 7611. But – what… Read More »