Category Archives: Spousal Support

Cohabitation and Spousal Support in California
In divorces, it is not uncommon for one spouse to be ordered to pay some amount of spousal support to the former spouse. The purpose of such support being, in part, to off-set certain costs associated with higher costs of living under their new circumstances. However – what if the spouse receiving spousal support… Read More »

4 Tips for Negotiating Spousal Support
One of the items it is possible to come to an agreement to in the midst of a divorce or separation is the issue of spousal support. When money becomes the topic of conversation, it can be easy for both sides to lose their cool and not operate at the level optimum for crafting… Read More »

How Do California Courts Decide On Spousal Support?
The issue of spousal support, also commonly referred to as “alimony,” is not unique to California. Every state in the U.S. deals with divorce cases involving the question of spousal support or alimony every day. However, while the issue itself is not unique, you should be aware of the unique rules and regulations enacted… Read More »

Discussing Cohabitation And Its Effect On Alimony In California
Even if you have never gone through a divorce yourself, you are likely already familiar with some of the most common concepts or basics of divorce. Any applicable issues of property division, child custody, and alimony (or spousal support) need to be squared away in order to be granted a divorce. However, when you… Read More »