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Changing Your Mind About Divorce?


Changing your mind about filing for divorce is more common than you might think. Even couples who make the tough decision to file the paperwork can have a change of heart and reconcile. There are some key things to think about before you make the decision to withdraw your divorce petition.

  • Mutual agreement – Even if you were the one filing the divorce papers – is your spouse also on board with withdrawing the divorce petition? Both partners need to mutually agree to withdraw the petition from the court.
  • Consider couples counseling – Couples counseling might provide valuable tools and insight on whether to repair the relationship or figure out a healthy way to bring the relationship to a close.
  • Consider the financial implications – Divorce can have significant financial consequences, but so can staying together. It is important to understand what each path might mean for your financial future.  If you reconcile, it likely will impact the division of property in the event of a future divorce.  It is important to discuss the financial implications of a withdrawal and reconciliation with an experienced divorce attorney.
  • Prioritize the children – For couples with kids, their health and emotional wellbeing should always be a top priority. Consistency and a healthy environment for the kids is important. You as parents need to decide if the kids are best served by withdrawing the divorce, or by bringing it to its conclusion.
  • Reflect on what changed – Really consider why you or your partner decided to file for divorce. Has there been a significant positive change that makes you believe the marriage can healthily continue? Will these changes be long lasting? Or are these changes “band-aids” to the immediate threat of divorce?

Contact Cardwell, Steigerwald Young

Whatever the reason, withdrawing a divorce petition isn’t unheard of. If it is the right decision for you and your family, then you should absolutely pursue every avenue that serves your family’s best interests. The experienced San Francisco divorce attorneys at Cardwell, Steigerwald Young can help you understand every step in your divorce process – including potential moments where it might be best to walk away and stay together, and the implications that the withdrawal can have on property division in the event of a future divorce. Contact our office today to learn more.



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